Galway Fire Fighter Competition

Testpreparations are holding a two-day Preparation Courses
For forthcoming Galway Fire Fighter Aptitude Test


Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December 2019


Galway City


10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Both days.


€ 250 (Discount to Retained Fire Fighters, AFS, Civil Defence and Family of Fire Fighters.)

For more information see our Fire Service Prospectus Page

To Secure a Place on the course

A Deposit of: €100.00 must be paid by Wednesday the 20th of November.
The balance of fees must be paid at registration on the first morning of the course.
Payment can be made by Cash or Credit / Debit Card. We do not accept cheques,
postal-orders or third party payments.

Tel: 01-9020566